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5 Oct 2021, Aquaculture welfare is the trend

Let's sea community would like to introduce a new technique that has been widely implemented in EU countries to help enhance the welfare of marine animals before cooking. The technique is stunning or knocking out aquatic animals before killing them and before passing on to be trimmed or used for cooking. This method is considered as the best way to help all sea animals suffer the least pain during preparation .

The most common method of knocking is by using the 'Stunning' or 'Shocking’ machine. The machine operates by releasing low-intensity electrical current to rapidly knock the sea animals unconscious within the first 3-5 seconds. After the initial knock out it only takes 30-60 seconds to increase the level of electricity to shock the shrimp, shellfish, crab, fish to death while they are still unconscious.

There are many benefits to using this method as it will not damage the tissue or even the taste of seafood as the animal suffers the least amount of pain compared to some traditional killing methods. Furthermore another great benefit is the overall workflow efficiency for the preparer as it saves not only time but also saves a lot of labor work. The minimum amount of time required to operate the Stunning machine is 60 seconds and can stun up to 30 kilograms of sea animals per one session.

Based on a very useful article from “The key principle for aquaculture is to render the fish immediately unconscious and unable to sense pain, a condition that must persist until they are dead” they also state that “Sea bass and sea bream are mostly killed on-farm and are known to be asphyxiated in air, as well as through chilling in iced water. Some larger boats use electrical stunning systems, which are now under development for use on small boats and have the potential to transform harvest procedures”

Today, Let's sea community would like to invite everyone to come together to learn about the overall benefits of using Stunning machine in any dynamic to reduce cruelty killing on aquatic animals. Whilst promoting cleanliness, hygiene and time efficacy for restaurants/suppliers by reducing number of labor on the task in preparing raw materials to be cooked and served.

With the stunning machine we can ensure less painful killing for all marine animals, Promotes hygiene standards for seafood restaurants while customers can enjoy eating the freshest and best tasting quality seafood across Thailand.

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