Let’s Sea has good news for you: you can now download DMCR4Thai, a must-have app that will keep you up to date with news relating to the seas around Thailand.
In keeping with the government’s policy of moving the country into the era of ‘Thailand 4.0’, this app has been developed by the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources, which is responsible for collecting and curating a vast amount of useful information. The app came about because the department saw that the mass adoption of smartphones has presented them with an opportunity to develop another communications channel, which could then be used to distribute news and information, to better serve the public, and to function as a store of geospatial data relating to marine and coastal resources. It is important that the public recognizes the importance of information on Thai seas, and we are certain that if we work together, we will be able to ensure that the blessings of nature continue to support us; as long as stakeholders cooperate to conserve and to protect our environment, Thai society will be able to benefit from our marine resources and to use these sustainably to generate income, to support employment, and to develop as tourism resources over the long term.
For more information, please visit https://bigdata.dmcr.go.th/ or search online for DMCR.