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⚓️ Fish stunner to fresh seafood 🐟

The food will come out with quality, fresh, clean and hygienic. Must come from good tools

🛟 Prepare raw material : Use the good machine Instead of killing through force or extreme cold, the Fish Stunner works by passing a mild electric current through a saltwater bath that contains the produce to be processed. This first renders the seafood unconscious before it painlessly dies, and, depending on the weight of the fish, the whole process takes just 90 seconds or so to complete. And because it’s such a gentle procedure, the raw material is completely undamaged and its delicious fresh flavor is perfectly preserved.

🛟 Seasoning : Season the seafood with salt, pepper, and other spices according to your taste. You can also marinate the seafood for additional flavor.

🛟 Cooking methods : Seafood can be cooked in a variety of ways, including baking, broiling, grilling, sautéing, steaming, and frying. Choose a cooking method that suits the type of seafood you have and your preferences.

🛟 Cooking time : Seafood cooks quickly, so be sure to monitor the cooking time carefully to avoid overcooking. As a general rule of thumb, cook fish for about 10 minutes per inch of thickness, or until the flesh is opaque and flakes easily with a fork.

🛟 Serve : Serve the cooked seafood immediately with your favorite sides, such as vegetables, rice, or pasta.

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