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How can we help our oceans❓

Ocean animal welfare refers to the well-being of marine animals in their natural habitat or in human care. There are a variety of threats to ocean animal welfare, including habitat destruction, pollution, and overfishing.

There are also ethical concerns surrounding the capture and confinement of marine animals for human entertainment, such as in marine theme parks. Some organizations and initiatives focus on improving ocean animal welfare through research, education, and advocacy.

There are many ways that individuals can help to protect and preserve the ocean:

Reduce your use of single-use plastics, such as plastic bags, straws, and water bottles.

Recycle whenever possible, and properly dispose of waste to prevent it from entering the ocean.

Support businesses and organizations that are committed to sustainable and responsible practices, particularly those that are focused on protecting the ocean.

Educate yourself about the issues facing the ocean and share this knowledge with others.

Get involved in ocean conservation efforts in your community, such as beach cleanups or advocacy campaigns.

Support policies and legislation that protect the ocean and its wildlife.

Eat sustainably-sourced seafood, and consider supporting organizations that promote sustainable fishing practices.

Reduce your carbon footprint, as climate change is a major threat to the ocean.

Support research and monitoring efforts focused on understanding and protecting the ocean. 📞 Call: 02-368-2761 ✉️ Email: 🌐 Website:


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