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Innovation in Thailand Responding to seafood business 🇹🇭👍🏻

20 October 2022

By now, many people in the seafood industry will already have seen or heard about the Fish Stunner.

Traditionally, when seafood is being processed in Thai commercial kitchens, it has been common to kill fish either by plunging them into ice water or by giving them a sharp blow to the head. But there’s a new, easy-to-use technique that saves both time and money: the Fish Stunner.

What does the Fish Stunner do?

Instead of killing through force or extreme cold, the Fish Stunner works by passing a mild electric current through a saltwater bath that contains the produce to be processed. This first renders the seafood unconscious before it painlessly dies, and, depending on the weight of the fish, the whole process takes just 90 seconds or so to complete. And because it’s such a gentle procedure, the fish meat is completely undamaged and its delicious fresh flavor is perfectly preserved.

Because it’s so easy to use, the Fish Stunner is generating a lot of interest among seafood chefs. And when they see just how the Fish Stunner can help them produce beautiful, fine-tasting dishes, that interest becomes unstoppable!

Even better, we’re now offering interested restaurants the chance of partnering with us.
The benefits of working with us include : 1. You’ll have the opportunity to play a part in reducing unnecessary animal suffering. ​2. We will issue you with our award to demonstrate that you share our vision for the seafood industry. As part of this, we will send you promotional materials to put up in your front-of-house areas. This will allow diners to see that you have joined with Let’s Sea to achieve the twin goals of reducing animal suffering and improving your customers’ dining experience by serving them only the freshest, tastiest ingredients.

3. We will work with you to develop your marketing. This will include organizing on-site promotions to boost sales and increasing consumer awareness of your brand through the use of marketing channels that include our website, and our Facebook and YouTube channels. For example, last month we visited several exclusive partners to distribute 50-baht coupons to diners, who were then able to use these as part payment for their meals.

We would like to encourage all seafood restaurants that share our vision and our concern over how seafood is processed for human consumption to take advantage of the benefits offered by our efficient, high-tech products, and to work with us towards achieving our shared goals.

_____________ We offer a no-strings-attached free trial of the Fish Stunner. Get in touch with us for more details.

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